Running with A.S.Designs

Long Run Sunday

Long Run Sunday

Long Run Sunday is an ideal day to stay out a bit longer.  If you are just starting we would recommend to aim for a total of 50 min of...

Long Run Sunday

Long Run Sunday is an ideal day to stay out a bit longer.  If you are just starting we would recommend to aim for a total of 50 min of...

Fartlek Saturday

Fartlek Saturday

Fartlek is one of the easiest ways to add a little bit fun to your run. Just add some steady, controlled accelerations during the easy run.  We will be doing...

Fartlek Saturday

Fartlek is one of the easiest ways to add a little bit fun to your run. Just add some steady, controlled accelerations during the easy run.  We will be doing...

It's Recovery Friday

It's Recovery Friday

It's Recovery Friday  It's Recovery Friday. We recommend a 20-40 min easy run followed by 10-15min of rolling and stretching. However, don't worry if you feel exhausted, don't run and just roll...

It's Recovery Friday

It's Recovery Friday  It's Recovery Friday. We recommend a 20-40 min easy run followed by 10-15min of rolling and stretching. However, don't worry if you feel exhausted, don't run and just roll...